Each time you upload information on a web hosting server, it takes some storage space on the hard drive dependent on its size. In case you have a script-driven internet site which keeps its info in a database, it will take more space, the more people use it. For example, in case you have a discussion forum, the more opinions people leave, the greater the database will be. Emails, in particular ones with attachments, also take some space in the web hosting account. The disk space quota that you get with any cloud web hosting provider is the amount of information you may have at any moment, which features website files, emails plus databases. Likewise, a PC has a hdd and the programs installed on it plus all of the docs or music files that you create or download require some storage, which cannot exceed the total capacity of the hard disk.

Disk Space in Cloud Web Hosting

To match the processing power behind our cloud website hosting plans, we have considered and integrated the best possible option related to disk space - your hosting account will not be created using one server, but using a cluster system. Due to this fact, what we have made is a whole group of servers that is centered on the file storage only, therefore you should never be worried about not having enough space and having to move to another server since your existing one can't accommodate more content. In the event that an additional space is necessary, all we need to do is add more machines to the cluster, so that the hard disk space is practically limitless. Of course, all our Linux cloud web hosting packages were made to be used for websites, not for an archive of large files. We have distinct machines for all of the databases as well as the email messages.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

With the hard disk storage space that we offer with our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages, we guarantee that you'll be able to run every site irrespective of its proportions. You'll receive at least 500 GB storage, that you can use the way you see fit - even for private file storage. As standard, you will get 2 hard disk drives, which can be employed independently, to take advantage of their entire storage space, or they can be connected in RAID and one will be a duplicate the other in real time to guarantee that you'll not waste important information in case of a hardware malfunction. We also give you the option to put more HDDs to upgrade the total HDD space you can use even more. This allows you to make a file or image storage portal without a problem if you would like. Thanks to the DirectAdmin and cPanel hosting Control Panels that we offer, you can easily set up a separate account for every single domain name that you host on the server and set an allowance for the storage it can use. When you pick the third option, our tailor-made Hepsia Control Panel, all of the domains will be operated in a single and they'll share the overall server hard disk storage.