The monthly traffic feature, which is sometimes also referred to as bandwidth or data transfer, indicates the overall amount of info that can be uploaded to your cloud web hosting account and downloaded from it every month. The website traffic is generated predominantly by website visits - each time somebody visits your site, the pages they view are downloaded from your website hosting server to his or her computer or mobile device and they are shown by the internet browser. What counts for the site traffic generated is the overall size of these pages, consequently the more visitors you get for a period of time, the more site traffic will be produced. Along with the website visits, file uploads are also counted towards the entire monthly transfer i.e. when you upload site content or some other files by using a file manager or an FTP application, they will also generate some site traffic. The counter resets on day one of every month and it is not related to the date you've signed up and the date you've renewed the website hosting plan.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Web Hosting

The monthly traffic quota for all of our cloud web hosting plans is enough for any kind of website. If you have a blog, a discussion forum or electronic commerce portal, how much info can be transferred to and from your account or getting to some low quota limit won't be a cause for your websites to be unavailable. In addition, we offer detailed web site traffic info, which means that you will have the option to keep track of the amount of info is being downloaded all of the time. The hourly, daily and monthly results will inform you on how the sites do, which files produce most of the website traffic as well as much more advantageous info that can help you manage the websites as well as the account altogether. The stats can be seen with just a couple of mouse-clicks in your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Taking into consideration how powerful all our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages are, the data transfer that you'll get each month will be enough for any kind of web site whatever the amount of its visitors, even if you supply file or image hosting. You'll get a quota of terabytes of traffic every single month and given that you will not share the server with others, that quota will be provided only for your websites and web applications. We'll inform you whenever you reach 90% of your allowance so that you will be able to react and either optimize your web sites to lower the traffic they make, or extend your limit. It's highly unlikely that you may ever need more than what we'll give you, still we will not obstruct the development of your websites, so we leave the possibility to include additional website traffic open. The dedicated server packages feature a management panel where you can see what amount of traffic has been generated to date for the current month and how much is left until you get to the cap. Considering the fact that these figures contain software installations and updates, they are more accurate than any hosting Control Panel statistics that include only the website traffic made by web sites.